Today! Civics Seminar at St. Philip's Parish House
Sunday, March 12 from 2-4 pm
RiseUpNY and Ecological Citizen’s Project present a four part Civics Seminar starting on Sunday March 12th 2-4pm at St. Philip's Parish House, Garrison, NY 10524.
These free seminars are open to the general public and were designed as a brush-up course in civics for adults. The four part series will survey how our government works, how a bill becomes law, constitutional law, and how to run for office. The four individual seminars will be taught by: Charlie Kelly, professor emeritus, Kean College; Jason Angell, instructor, Bronx Community College; William Hellerstein, professor, Brooklyn Law school; and political advocate, Kim Conner.
Charlie Kelly is professor emeritus of political science from Kean University. Charlie received his PHD. and M.A. degrees from New York University and has a M.S. degree in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University/Baruch College. Charlie chaired the Beacon Democratic Committee for twenty years and served on City Council for five two years terms of office.
For more information, please contact
Take Action - Resistance Training With the ACLU
Saturday, March 11 at 4:30pm
On March 11, the ACLU is holding a Resistance Training. This event will launch People Power, the ACLU’s new effort to engage grassroots volunteers across the country and take the fight against Donald Trump’s policies not just into the courts, but into the streets. We’re organizing grassroots events in communities across the country to watch the livestream together. Please join us!
Sign up to learn more about People Power and the Resistance Training livestream on March 11 at 5pm ET. We’ll follow up with you about opportunities to volunteer and attend events near you.
Sign up here:
RSVP for one of Saturday’s ACLU Resistance Training events in our area. All of the events start at 4:30pm ET/1:30pm PT to accommodate our livestream.
ACLU People Power Action Event - March 11
Burnt Meadow Road, Gardiner, NY
RSVP now »
ACLU People Power Action Event - March 11
2 Romer's Alley, Sugarloaf, NY
RSVP now »
ACLU People Power Action Event - March 11
1 Hawk Drive, Student Union, Room 401, New Paltz, NY
RSVP now »
Or sign up to host an event to watch the livestream:
Speak Out NOW Against the Repeal of the ACA
(Adapted from Organizing for Action and Families USA)
By law, the administration has to consider public comments on this proposal. We have until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, MARCH 7th, to make our comments here:
The administration put out a new proposal aimed at sabotaging Obamacare—a blatant attempt to weaken the law at the expense of the tens of millions of people who depend on it.
In an effort to suppress meaningful comments from consumer groups and other stakeholders, the Administration has provided only a 21-day comment period, an unprecedented departure from standard comment periods for rules of this significance.
Learn more about how these changes favor insurance companies at the expense of people.
Sample Comments:
Any changes to the marketplace exchanges—that have done so much to allow American families to access quality, affordable health insurance—should strengthen and expand coverage and consumer protections, not weaken and limit them.
There is no legitimate justification for shortening the open enrollment period. It will only keep young and healthy enrollees out of the marketplaces, reducing their stability. Putting up barriers to special enrollment periods burdens those who are already going through incredible change—that includes women who are pregnant, those who have lost their jobs, and more. Allowing insurance companies to sell plans that transfer costs and risk to consumers—which makes it harder for people to see the doctors they need and limits the safety net for low-income consumers—runs completely counter to the goals of the law that established the exchanges: to provide quality, affordable health insurance for every American.
I do not support these proposed rule changes, as it’s clear this is nothing more than an attempt to undermine the Affordable Care Act.
Write a letter to the editor
Monday, March 6th
(Adapted from Rogan's List)
Make your voice heard
Write a letter to the editor on a subject that is important to you. Submit to more than one paper and post on social media. Here are some ideas:
- Immigrants are an important piece of our communities. Organizing for Action (OFA) has a letter-writing tool we can use to write letters to the editor of your local newspaper about why we support immigrants where we live:
- Make a concentrated effort to know the truth and spread it. Robert Reich tells us not to let Trump's lies become near truths. Watch the video and then write your letter.
Local print and online only papers available in Philipstown include the Highlands Current, Putnam Examiner, Putnam County News and Recorder. Journal News, Poughkeepsie Journal, and the Peekskill Daily Voice.
Tell Congress: Investigate Trump's Ties To Russia NOW
Thursday, March 2
Action for Today
(Will Amato, "Trump, Poutine")
Call your three members of Congress and request that they support a special prosecutor to investigate the President and his connections to Russia.
You could add that you also agree with Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and other Democratic leaders who have called for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign due to his perjured testimony about his meetings with Russian officials in 2016.
*If you don’t know your members of Congress’ direct phone number, enter your zip code in the Congressional Contact Info on our site.
“Hi. This is [NAME] and I’m a constituent in zip code [ZIP]. I’m calling to let [Rep/Sen____] know that I support the creation of a special prosecutor to investigate Russia’s role in the election and President Trump’s financial ties to Moscow. I’d like to see [Rep/Sen____] publicly call for this as soon as possible because I’m concerned that Congress’ investigations are too partisan to get to the truth. Thanks so much for your time.”
Get more info on this call at
Promote Facts: Spread the Word
Wednesday, March 1st
Last night, the President spoke before Congress for the first time. He made many claims, and unsurprisingly, many were not factual. The Associated Press took a look at his claims, and published a Fact Check today.
We have excerpted 8 below. Please spread the facts by sharing them as widely as possible.
Share #1
Share #2
Share #3
Share #4
Share #5
Share #6
Share #7
Share #8
Support Investigation of Trump's Ties to Russia
Tuesday, February 28th
(Adapted from Daily Kos Stop Trump newsletter and the Loyal Opposition)
Today, the House Judiciary Committee will vote on whether to investigate Donald Trump's ties to Russia.
(By Vitaly Alyabyev (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)
Some background:
On February 9, 2017, Representative Jerrold Nadler took the extraordinary step of filing a "resolution of inquiry" in the U.S. House that could force a House investigation into Donald Trump’s financial conflicts of interest and ties to the Russian government.
If Rep. Nadler is successful, the Department of Justice will have "to provide Congress with the basic information required to conduct an inquiry into President Trump and his associates" conflicts of interest, ethical violations—including the Emoluments Clause—and connections to the Russian government." The DOJ will also have to provide information related to " any criminal or counterintelligence investigation targeting President Donald J. Trump, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Roger Stone, or any employee of the Executive Office of the President."
The House Judiciary Committee has 14 legislative days to respond to Rep. Nadler's request, or it will automatically go to the full House for vote, forcing Republicans to grapple with and vote on whether they are going to take seriously and investigate—or continue to ignore—Trump’s flagrant ethical and constitutional violations.
Action you can take today:
1. Before 10am today, call the House Judiciary Committee at (202) 225-3951 and tell them you support the Resolution of Inquiry.
Hi. This is [NAME] from [STATE]. I’m calling to let Chairman Goodlatte and the Committee know that I strongly support Representative Nadler’s Resolution of Inquiry and encourage members to vote for it. I believe Americans deserve to know about the President’s conflicts. I appreciate your time.”
Defend Our First Amendment Right to Protest
Sunday, February 26th
(Adapted from 3NoTrump &
(Photo: Freedom House)
Protesting has been one of the most effective ways we’ve been able to get our voices heard. Since the election, hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets, and (in contrast to what might be emphasized in some media) 99% of these protests have been peaceful and appropriate.
Lawmakers in ten states (Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan*, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, North Dakota** Virginia, and Washington) have recently proposed laws that would make it a serious crime to assemble in groups and express political dissent. (Read more from The Washington Post and NPR)
For people who live in states (listed above) currently considering anti-protest legislation:
(1) Call your State Senator and Representative. You can find your state reps here.
Hi, my name is _____ and I’m calling from _____. I’m disturbed by the bill aimed at silencing protesters, which directly threatens our democracy. Our right to protest is a fundamental First Amendment right. Please vote against this bill.
(2) Use the Weekly Resistance automatic calling tool to contact the governor’s office if you live in one of the above-named states. They have a script you can use, or you can use the one above, just changing the words “vote against” to “veto.”
For those living outside these states:
(3) Protect Yourself:
-- WhatDoIDoAboutTrump has compiled a number of excellent resources to use if your safety and livelihood is being threatened by your activism.
-- Have a look at some good advice for protestors.
-- Take note of the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Digital Security Tips for Protestors
(4) Keep Protesting: This Protest Calendar will help you find events nearby so you can keep resisting. Let’s take these anti-protest bills as a sign that we’re being seen as a threat! The resistance is working.
**North Dakota’s bill, which went as far as to allow a motorist to run over a protester blocking a highway, as long as the act “wasn’t intentional,” has been voted down and *Michigan’s bill has also been tabled, for now. However, it may still be useful for Michigan and North Dakota people to voice opposition to this type of legislation and thank the people who killed it in case these bills come back.
Support Our Right to Healthcare
Saturday, February 25th
Today there are rallies all over the country in support of the ACA and universal healthcare. The closest one to Philipstown is at 10am at the Brooklyn office of Congressman Donovan (details here).
You can still speak out on healthcare without leaving home.
- The Dept. of Health & Human Services has proposed new rules around the ACA. There is a public comment period until March 7th on rules that will increase premiums, reduce benefits, reduce networks, and increase deductibles.
Add your comment, then share this link everywhere to encourage other folks to do the same:
- Paul Ryan has said he plans to have the House vote on repeal before the Easter recess in early April. 45 has said a replacement plan is coming in March. A draft of the House Republican repeal package was published yesterday on Politico. A Kaiser Health Tracking poll on the ACA released yesterday shows 48% of Americans favor the ACA, with 42% opposing it.
Tell Paul Ryan that a majority of Americans favor keeping the ACA.
Since Ryan has blocked his office phones and fax numbers, and is turning away people who show up to deliver petitions, people are mailing post cards to his home address and district offices saying NO to defunding Planned Parenthood, NO to repealing the ACA, and NO to privatizing Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security!
Paul Ryan, 700 St. Lawrence Ave., Janesville, WI 53545
Washington, DC Office
233 Longworth HOB, Washington, D.C. 20515, Phone: (202) 225-3031 Fax: (202) 225-3393
BTW: Paul Ryan apparently lives in his office when in Washington (read more)
Kenosha Constituent Services Center
5031 7th Avenue Kenosha, WI 53140 Phone: (262) 654-1901 Fax: (262) 654-2156
Janesville Office
20 South Main Street, Suite 10, Janesville, WI 53545, 1-888-909-RYAN (7926) Phone: (608) 752-4050 Fax: (608) 752-4711
Racine Office
216 6th Street, Racine, WI 53403, Phone: (262) 637-0510, Fax: (262) 637-5689
Tell our Members of Congress that you stand behind them in supporting the ACA.
Use the script at 5 Calls, it is UNBELIEVABLY easy.
Contact Senator Chuck Schumer
Washington DC Office
322 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
Tel: (202) 224-6542, Fax: (202) 228-3027Albany/Capital District Office
Leo O'Brien Building, Room 420, 11A Clinton Avenue, Albany, NY 12207
Tel: (518) 431-4070, Fax: (518) 431-4076
One Park Place, Suite 100, Peekskill, NY 10566
Tel: (914) 734-1532, Fax: (914) 734-1673
[email protected], Email form
Contact Senator Kirsten GillibrandWashington, DC Office
478 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
Tel. (202) 224-4451, Fax (202) 228-0282
Albany/Capital District Office
Leo W. O’Brien Federal Office Building, 11A Clinton Avenue, Room 821, Albany, NY 12207
Tel. (518) 431-0120, Fax (518) 431-0128
Hudson Valley Office
PO Box 893, Mahopac, NY 10541
Tel. (845) 875-4585, Fax (845) 875-9099
Email form
Contact Representative Sean Patrick MaloneyWashington DC:
1027 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515Tel: 202-225-544, Fax: 202-225-3289
District Office:
123 Grand Street, 2nd Floor, Newburgh, NY 12550Tel: 845-561-1259, Fax: 845-561-2890