10/23, 3-5pm Rally venue moved--and why

The Philipstown Democrats will hold its long-planned rally on private property this Sunday afternoon, October 23, from 3-5pm.


Though we had obtained the permits necessary to stage the event in McConville Park in the Village of Cold Spring, last-minute security concerns raised by village officials led us to choose a new location.

We thank Mayor Kathleen Foley and Officer-in-Charge Larry Burke for their close attention to this matter.

The Philipstown Democrats believe it is important to speak out about the issues that affect our daily lives. It is vital that we have these conversations in our community with our friends and neighbors, and not leave them to the talking heads on cable TV.  The intent of our rally is to show that what happens in Washington and in statehouses across the country matters to and affects us, the people of Philipstown. We have a right—a duty—to respond.

And so we gather, listen, and speak out. We identify problems and focus on their solutions. We organize. We act. And we vote.