21st FDR Salute to Labor

Elisa Sumner, Chair, Dutchess Democrats
cordially invites you to the

21st FDR Salute to Labor

With keynote speaker…
Eric Schneiderman
NYS Attorney General


And guest speaker…
Michael Blake
NYS Assembly Member 79th AD and Vice-Chair of Democratic National Committee


2017 Eileen M. Hickey Award recipients:

  • Sheryl Delano (President, Roundout Valley, NYSUT)
  • Joanna Graham (Journeywoman, I.U.O.E. Local 137)
  • Colleen Hemmings(1199SEIU – C.N.A. and Union Delegate, River Valley Care Center)
  • Zina Klein (RN, NYSNA)
  • Thomas LeCount (Business Manager Heat & Frost Insulators Local 91)

Friend of Labor Award recipient:

  • Matthew Martini

Friday, October 6

Cocktail Hour — 6pm * Dinner — 7pm
155 Wilbur Blvd., Poughkeepsie, NY

October 06, 2017 at 6:00pm - 9pm
Christos, 155 Wilbur Blvd., Poughkeepsie, NY
Dutchess Co Dems