June 26 Debate

Join Philipstown Democrats and the Putnam Young Dems for light refreshments and informed conversation.  Doors will open at 8:00, and the debate streaming starts at 9pm at the Old VFW Hall, 34 Kemble Avenue in the Village of Cold Spring. 

The Old VFW Hall is conveniently located within walking distance of the Cold Spring Metro North station, and we encourage carpooling (save fuel, save the environment).  

Click the link below to sign up for the first debate night, Wednesday June 26th.  



June 26, 2019 at 8:00pm - 11pm
Old VFW Hall
34 Kemble Ave
Cold Spring, NY 10516
United States
Google map and directions
Kim Conner ·
Giannina Cappello Megan Philippi Athena Kanaris Camille Linson Julie Corbett Alexander Clifton Shelley Gilbert Jonathan Kruk Peter Pastuszka Daniel Willson Nancy Montgomery Nancy Montgomery Nancy Montgomery Sally Smith Grace Kennedy Susan Freeman Jordan Bailey-Hoover Scott Reing James Hyer Catherine Guthrie Martina Leonard Aaron Wolfe Linda Tafapolsky Eileen McDermott Deborah Velazquez-Wessely Suzie Moreno Margaret Yonco-Haines Ryan Beckwith Tara Vamos Kimberly Conner

Who's RSVPing

Giannina Cappello
Megan Philippi
Athena Kanaris
Camille Linson
Julie Corbett
Alexander Clifton
Shelley Gilbert
Jonathan Kruk
Peter Pastuszka
Daniel Willson
Nancy Montgomery
Nancy Montgomery
Nancy Montgomery
Sally Smith
Grace Kennedy
Susan Freeman
Jordan Bailey-Hoover
Scott Reing
James Hyer
Catherine Guthrie
Martina Leonard
Aaron Wolfe
Linda Tafapolsky
Eileen McDermott
Deborah Velazquez-Wessely
Suzie Moreno
Margaret Yonco-Haines
Ryan Beckwith
Tara Vamos

Will you come?