Join the Philipstown Democrats for our annual Fall fundraiser at the beautiful Pelton Pond Pavilion in Fahnestock State Park at the Pelton Park Picnic Area.
Yes, we will be outside, wearing masks, safely distanced and serving food that is individually packaged for maximum safety.
While we can all still enjoy the outdoors, lets get together and prepare for the big push to Election Day on November 3.
Our U.S. Representative Sean Maloney, State Senate candidate Karen Smythe and other local elected officials and candidates will be in attendance.
We hope you join us.
And if you can't, please go to our Donate Page and become a sustaining member.
October 04, 2020 at 3:00pm - 5pm
Pelton Pond Picnic Area Pavilion
1498 Rte 301
Carmel, NY 10512
United States
Google map and directions
1498 Rte 301
Carmel, NY 10512
United States
Google map and directions
Philipstown Democrats