Keep the Pressure On: Tell Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to Investigate Trump-Russia Now!

Tuesday, May 2nd

(Adapted from Jen Hoffman's Action Checklist for Americans of Conscience)

Action You Can Take Today

Continue to advocate for a special commission to investigate 45-Russia ties.

Newly-confirmed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein can approve a special prosecutor or commission, but has previously hedged on this action. (Read more.)


It's time to speak up.

  • Call the Department of Justice comment line: 202-353-1555

  • Send a postcard: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20530-0001

Script: I am among the 58% of Americans who want an independent commission to investigate Trump-Russia ties. Trust in the four current investigations is compromised, and the Attorney General’s credibility is tarnished. Only an independent commission or special prosecutor will restore confidence.  Thank you.