Tell Our Elected Officials: There is No Place for White Supremacists in the White House
Wednesday, August 16th
(Adapted from Rogan's List)

There is No Place for White Supremacists in the White House
In case you missed it, yesterday Trump doubled-down on his initial comment that there is blame on both sides. (Read more...)
The right-wing publication National Review said, “Donald Trump loves people who love him, and the vile and vicious alt-right has loved him from the beginning. Today, he loved them right back” (More here...)
To show the impact of Trump’s words, David Duke, former KKK grand wizard thanked him for “condemning the leftist terrorists” in Charlottesville. (More here...)
“When David Duke and white supremacists cheer your remarks, you’re doing it very, very wrong,” NY Senator Chuck Schumer said in a statement. “Great and good American presidents seek to unite, not divide. Donald Trump’s remarks clearly show he is not one of them.”
We need to be extra vigilant about what is coming. White supremacy does not run our country and it will never make America great at all.
Please call the White House and call our legislators and tell them that Trump's position is un-Presidential and un-American. Tell them all white supremacists (Steve Bannon, Sabastian Gorka, and Stephen Miller) must be removed from the White House.
Stop Trump From Sabotaging the ACA by Defunding Subsidies to Insurers
Tuesday, August 8. 2017
[Adapted from Daily Action]
Trump has stated that he wants to stop funding for the cost sharing reduction (CSR) payments to insurance companies - these payments are required under the ACA and serve to keep insurance cost down on the marketplace exchanges and provide stability needed to encourage insurance companies to participate in the exchanges. Without subsidies the premium charged for insurance would increase 19% and many insurers would (and already have started doing so in anticipation of Trumps policy) leave the marketplaces. Trump wants to make his claim that the ACA is imploding a self fulfilling prophecy. We need to stop him. Call Congressman Maloney and ask if you can count on him to author or support legislation that guarantees the funding of CSR. Call him at 202-225-5441 or 845-561-1259.
Support Resolution Requiring CBO Score before Bill Can Be Considered
August 6, 2017
(Adapted from Rogan's List)
Republicans recklessly pushed Wealthcare through the House without even getting a nonpartisan sense of what it would do from the Congressional Budget Office. ( We managed to stop the damage, but we should not allow them to act so irresponsibly again. Call Congressman Maloney at (202) 225-5441 or (845) 561-1259 and urge him to co-sponsor legislation which two Democratic representatives have proposed as a change to House rules that would prohibit a vote on budget-impacting legislation until CBO cost estimates are made publicly available. Tell Congressman Maloney that this should be something both parties can agree on, and we want him to support H. Res. 441, the Require a Score Before the Floor Bill.
Push Back Against Another Trump Administration Assault on our Environment
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
(Adapted from Rogan's List}
Trump and his cabinet are continuing their assault on our environment, this time by starting the process of rolling back Obama’s efforts to limit offshore drilling. ( But the Interior Department is required to take public comments before they can move forward with this plan to put our coastlines at risk. Let’s make sure they know we want these areas to remain off limits to drilling. We can find instructions on how to submit comments here:
Sign a petition for our Town Board Candidates
Monday, July 31, 2017
If you haven't signed a petition for our Town Board Candidates yet and would like to do so, contact us at . You don't need to be registered as a Democrat to sign this petition, only a registered voter in the town of Philipstown who has not yet signed a petition to place our Town Board candidates on the ballot this November - Richard Shea for Supervisor, and Mike Leonard/John VanTassel for Town Board. Thank you!