Rally to Stop the #SwampCabinet

Tuesday, January 24 at 12 noon

Attend a Rally to Stop Trump's #Swampcabinet

Info from IndivisibleMoveOn and the Working Families Party:

Republicans are trying to push through some of the most problematic, troubling nominees ever. They must be stopped.

That’s why, on Tuesday, January 24th, MoveOn members are joining with Working Families Party, People's Action, and other allies across the country to rally Democratic and Republican senators with a clear message: "Stop the #SwampCabinet." Donald Trump riled up crowds claiming he'd "drain the swamp" and chase corruption out of Washington. But, so far, he has done nothing but nominate individuals that will continue to foster the same corruption he describe during his campaign.

At these rallies at senators' local district offices, we will tell our senators and the media why Trump's cabinet is not what America wants or needs. Democrats need to use every tool in their toolbox to delay and stop these nominees, and Republicans need to oppose these nominees if they care about draining the swamp.

Senator Chuck Schumer's local office:

One Park Place, Suite 100
Peekskill, NY 10566

Phone: (914) 734-1532
Fax:  (914) 734-1673

Senator Kirstin Gillibrand's local office:

PO Box 893
Mahopac, NY 10541

Tel. (845) 875-4585
Fax (845) 875-9099

Since this is a PO Box and not an office, you will have to call her.

If you want to go down to NYC:

both NY Senators share an office at:

780 Third Ave
New York, NY 10017