Women's Town Hall: Speak Out About Violence

Saturday, June 3rd at 11:00am


NOW-New York and the women of the 19th Congressional District have invited Representative John Faso to meet with his constituents to hear firsthand the ways that violence has impacted our lives. At our Hudson Women’s Town Hall to Speak Out Against Violence, we will raise our voices and document the vital need for threatened Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) programs.

This is part of a broader campaign of NOW-New York to proactively to preserve VAWA funding in the current administration.  This Women’s Town Hall will focus on the issue of gender-based violence and the vital funding of VAWA. We invite you to provide brief remarks (up to 3 minutes) that would focus on the importance of VAWA and to address specific questions for Representative Faso in their remarks (i.e. “Will you commit to voting yes to reauthorize VAWA?”)

This event is hosted by the National Organization for Women New York & the Columbia County Democratic Committee and co-sponsored by Hudson Valley Strong, Indivisible 19, Indivisible Chatham, NY19 Votes, & Upper Hudson Valley Planned Parenthood.

Get more information and RSVP on Facebook.


June 03, 2017 at 11:00am - 1pm
Hudson Area Library, 51 N. 5th Street, Hudson, NY 12534