Wednesday, February 15 at 6:30 pm
Attend the February Meeting of the Rules Committee
of the Putnam County Legislature
Meeting is in Room 318 of the Putnam County Office Building, located at the intersection of Routes 301 and 6, in Carmel, NY

Have a look at item 5 on the agenda:
"Discussion / Proposed Amendment of County Code Section 90-7(c) Denial of Access to Records / District Attorney Tendy"
For reference, here's Section 90-7 of the Putnam County Code
§ 90-7. Denial of access to records. [Amended 12-2-1997 by L.L. No. 15-1997]
A. Denial of access to records shall be in writing, stating the reason therefore and advising the
requester of the right to appeal to the individual or body established to hear appeals.
B. If requested records are not provided promptly, as requested in § 90-5D of this article, such
failure shall also be deemed a denial of access.
C. The following person or designated agent(s) of same shall hear appeals for denial of access to
records under the Freedom of Information Law: Putnam County Executive, County Office
Building, Gleneida Avenue, Carmel, New York 10512 [phone: (914) 225-3641].
D. Any person denied access to records may appeal within 30 days of a denial. The time for
deciding an appeal shall commence upon receipt of a written appeal identifying:
(1) The date of appeal.
(2) The date and location of the requests for records.
(3) The records to which the requester was denied access.
(4) Whether the denial of access was in writing or due to failure to provide records promptly
as required by § 90-5D.
(5) The name and return address of the requester.
E. The individual(s) designated to hear appeals shall inform the requester of its decision, in
writing, within 10 business days of receipt of an appeal.
F. The person(s) designated to hear appeals shall transmit to the Committee on Open
Government copies of all appeals upon receipt of appeals. Such copies shall be addressed to:
Committee on Open Government, Department of State, 162 Washington Avenue, Albany,
New York 12231.
G. The person(s) designated to hear appeals shall inform the appellant and the Committee on
Open Government of it determination, in writing, within 10 business days of receipt of an
appeal. The determination shall be transmitted to the Committee on Open Government in the
same manner as set forth in Subsection F of this section.