Tuesday, March 14th
(Adapted from 100DaysAction , Project Thinking Cap and StudioKnit)
Action for Today:
On this snowy, snowy Pi Day, why not knit yourself a hat for next month's Science March?
Inspired by the Pussy Hat Project, Project Thinking Cap invites you to support science and scientists by knitting green and blue hats to wear during the Science March on April 22nd.
Find a pattern here. If you’re an avid knitter, make some extras and send to this address for distribution at the DC Science March:
Project Thinking Cap*
c/o C. Lantz
P.O. Box 25791
Alexandria, VA 22313
If you still have pink yarn left over from the Women's March, you can knit a Brain hat.
StudioKnit has provided a handy brain hat webpage which gives you all the instructions you'll need.
After you've made your hat, show the world.
- Use the #100daysaction tag on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
- Use the #sciencemarch tag on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.