Friday February 10
(adapted from The Loyal Opposition Daily Call to Action)
Action for Today: Support The Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act of 2017
Urge our senators and representative to support and cosponsor The Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act of 2017.
The legislation is currently under consideration in both the House (H.R.371) and the Senate (S.65) and would require the President to divest financial assets which create a conflict of interest.
Unlike all previous presidents, President Trump has declined to do so and instead has created a revocable trust in favor of his sons to run his business, an arrangement deemed inadequate by ethics experts. The details of the arrangement are not public and he has even failed to provide a copy of the documents he asserts separate him from his business to the Office of Government Ethics. In the three weeks since his inauguration, numerous conflicts have arisen, including the Department of Defense renting space in NYC’s Trump Tower and the Saudi government doing business with the President’s Washington D.C. hotel, and most recently tweets linking his policies to his daughter's business interests, and more.
Call our members of Congress to urge them to cosponsor H.R.371/S.65. Get call scripts at
(As of this posting (02/10/2017, 9:00am), Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is a cosponsor, but you can still call her to say thanks for supporting S.65)
Representative Sean Maloney
Phone : 202-225-5441
Twitter: @RepSeanMaloney
Website :
Senator Chuck Schumer
Phone : 202-224-6542
Twitter: @SenSchumer
Website :
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Phone : 202-224-4451
Twitter: @SenGillibrand
Website :
If you live outside of Philipstown, see links below to find out if your member of Congress is cosponsoring the legislation. If you don’t know your members of Congress’ direct phone number, enter your zip code at The Loyal Opposition's Congressional Contact Info page. If any of them are already a cosponsor of the legislation, call anyway and say thank you.
List of senators who are currently sponsoring S.65
List of representatives who are currently sponsoring H.R.371