Tell Jeff Bezos: Amazon's Support for Breitbart Should End

Wednesday, April 19th

(Adapted from Rogan's List)

Action You Can Take Today

Plenty of activists and even Amazon Employees have written a letter to Amazon owner and CEO Jeff Bezos to stop advertising on Breitbart. You can read about their action here: 

Keep the pressure on, and send him a letter or postcard now.

Write to: Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon, 410 Terry Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98109

jeffbezos.jpg You can also use Twitter or Facebook to get your message through:

Twitter: @JeffBezos, @Amazon 

Bonus Action

Write to Amazon's officers and tell them Breitbart must go. 
(Same physical address, Twitter links where available) 

Brian_olsavsky.jpg Brian T. Olsavsky, 
Senior Vice President &
Chief Financial Officer
J_Blackburn.jpg Jeffrey M. Blackburn,
Senior Vice President,
Business Development
andrew_jassy.jpg Andrew R. Jassy,
CEO Amazon Web Services
shelley_reynolds.jpg Shelley L. Reynolds,
Vice President, Worldwide Controller &
Principal Accounting Officer
jeffrey_wilke.jpg Jeffrey A. Wilke,
CEO Worldwide Consumer
 david_zapolsky.jpg David A. Zapolsky,
Senior Vice President,
General Counsel and Secretary