Monday, July 10th
(Adapted from Jen Hofmann's Action Checklist for Americans of Conscience)
PRINCIPLE: I believe in a quality education for America’s youth.
ACTION: Oppose Betsy DeVos' Decision To Loosen For-Profit College Rules.
CONTACT: Send an email to all three of your Members of Congress (lookup or leave message).
SCRIPT: I’m from [ZIP] and I am very concerned about Betsy DeVos’ decision to loosen for-profit college rules. I want students to be protected. I want colleges and universities to be evaluated based on how many graduates are able to pay back their loans--and if programs consistently fail these tests, they should lose access to federal student-aid dollars. Thank you.
BONUS ACTION: Oppose cutting funds for kids in special education.
CALL YOUR 2 SENATORS THIS WEEK (lookup or leave message).
SCRIPT: Hi. I’m concerned about cuts to services for kids in special ed programs. I believe we have a responsibility to fully support all learners. The Senate healthcare bill strips Medicaid funding which currently covers essential tools, staff, and screenings to give these kids a fair chance. I oppose the bill for many reasons, but this one is critical. (If it affects you directly, share why.) Thanks