Help Save the Affordable Care Act - Join a National Call-In Day on January 10 to #ProtectOurCare!
(Borrowed from National Health Law Program's advocacy page)
Congress' attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act will strip health care coverage from tens of millions of individuals and increase health care costs for millions more. Congressional Republicans are rushing ahead to destroy the ACA and the expansion of Medicaid.
Call your Senators Tuesday, Jan.10 to protect health care. Call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and the operator will connect you to the offices you request. Tell your senators to vote NO on ACA repeal legislation.
The Republicans' repeal bill includes no replacement for the Affordable Care Act. Instead their bill would:
Congressional Republicans are using the budget process to dismantle the ACA by ending tax breaks and subsidies, and are showing us no alternative plan. That's likely because the plans they have championed contain provisions unacceptable to Americans of all walks of life and political affiliations, like weakening protections for pre-existing conditions, allowing insurance companies to raise premiums on people in their 50s and 60s, reducing tax credits for moderate income families, eliminating the requirement for coverage of preventative services (such as cancer screenings and birth control), and permit prescription drug prices to soar.
Call your Senators on Jan. 10 to protect health care! Call 202-224-3121. (Call twice to reach both of your senators.)
When you call, here's what you might say:
"Hello, my name is [NAME], and I'm a constituent from [CITY/TOWN]. As a citizen concerned about rising health care costs, and believing that health care is a basic human right, please tell the Senator [she/he] should oppose any repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
We can't afford to go down this path. This is a matter of life and death. Please vote NO on any legislation that includes repealing the Affordable Care Act."
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